Google Docs Theoretical Perspectives Poster

Visual Design is about enhancing understanding.


  • Graphic Design
  • Illustration
  • Iconography
  • Actor-Network Theory Content
  • Ideation


The Theoretical Perspectives poster was a final project in one of my HCDE Master’s program classes. We were tasked with analyzing an existing technology from three different theoretical lenses, then communicating those results in a large poster format. My group chose to study Google Docs as a collaborative tool for globally dispersed teams, through the theoretical lenses of Distributed Cognition, Actor Network Theory, and Social Loafing.


The biggest design challenge for this poster was formatting the large amount of text, and finding a clear way to layout the theoretical applications as well as clearly indicate which theories we were discussing in each section. The style and colors were inspired by the modern, bright approach that Google itself takes. We wanted the poster to tell a story and so I also created some illustrations to help tell the story and engage our viewers with that story. Each of the theories has it’s own color and icon, and each of our global team members gets their own color as well.

Theoretical Perspectives Poster

Illustration Detail